Monday, December 29, 2008

~A Famosa Animal World Safari~ PART 1

This year my family decided holiday kat Melaka..
So,de a few problem berlaku..
kteorg just g one day jer...

+Ank buah ku yg suke berposing+

so seawal 6.00 pg aku bgun tuk siap2 coz kteorg akn bertolak around kul 7.00a.m..
tepat pd mse yg ditetapkn..
kul 7 kteorg da berada dlm krete tuk menuju ker melaka..
perjalanan berjalan dgn lancar..
kreta pun xbyk sgt ari tu..
aku xnk cite byk..korg lyn jer pic2 yg aku upload nie..

+Menunggu giliran tuk menaiki trak+

+Me with my father and my sis+ dalam trak..nak melawat binatang buas..

+Khusyuk menonton animal show+

+time show gajah+ smart jer tgk gajah tu menari.. siap men bola sepak and bola keranjang g taw..

+keldai here+ klu korg nk taw..bau keldai nie busuk..hehehehhe

+With Zebra+ Lawa gler taw..
+Want to go to The Monkey Island+

+atas rakit/bot+

+Mase tuk mkn..lapa gler+

+Sempat lg bergambar after abis makan+


+Want to watch the cowboy show+

+Jalan2 smbil mencapap+

+kenangan sebelum balik+

+Peace!! before bertolak ke Pantai Klebang+


1 comment:

Si Kawaii said...

best gila g holiday.